Index of Actresses (U)
Johanna Udéhn (b. 1973)
Mitt liv som hund (1985)
[REL] Mitt liv som hund (1985)
[REL] Tomboy (2011)
Fabiana Udenio (b. 1964)
L'avvertimento (1980)
Leidenschaftliche Blümchen (1978)
[REL] Leidenschaftliche Blümchen (1978)
One Life to Live (1968)
Janina Uhse (b. 1989)
Die Rettungsflieger (2005)
Die Kinder vom Alstertal (2003)
Die Pfefferkörner (2003)
[REL] "Pfefferkörner, Die" (1999) (TV-Series)
Der Rattenkönig (2002)
Mónika Ullmann (b. 1973)
Az élet muzsikája - Kálmán Imre (1984)
Legyél te is Bonca! (1984)
Történetek a vonaton (1983)
Nápolyi mulatságok (1982)
A szeleburdi család (1981)
[REL] A szeleburdi család (1981) [Hungary]
Családi kör (1981)
Égigérö fü (1979)
[REL] Égigérö fü (1979) [Magyar]
Mese habbal (1979)
Bitte Ulvskog (b. 1951)
Tjorven och Skrållan (1965)
Tjorven Båtsman och Moses (1964)
Vi på Saltkråkan (1964)
[REL] Vi på Saltkråkan (1964) (1968)
Shaina Tianne Unger (b. 1987)
X2 (2003)
Fluffy (2003)
These Arms of Mine (2001)
They Nest (2000)
Life-Size (2000)
[REL] Life-Size (2000)
Revisited (1998)
Millennium (1996)
Titanic (1996)
Sweet Dreams (1996)
Poltergeist: The Legacy (1996)
A Crack in the Pavement: Digging In (2000)
A Crack in the Pavement: Growing Dreams (2000)
Catinca Untaru (b. 1997)
Katya & the Scarlet Sails (2012)
The Dowry (2011)
The Fall (2006)
[REL] The Fall (2006) [India/UK/USA]
Nostalgia (2008)
Wanderlust (2008)
Cazzeri Upton (b. 1984)
The Book of Stars (1999)
[REL] The Book of Stars (2001)
The Beans of Egypt, Maine (1994)
Harleigh Upton (b. 1990)
The Public Life of Sissy Pike: New Girl in Town (2005)
[REL] The Missy Files (2003) US TV Series Pilots
The Missy Files (2003)
[REL] The Missy Files (2003) US TV Series Pilots
Bibleman (2001)
Yuki Urabe (b. 1991)
Pichimo de dorama: Watashi ga moderu ni nareta wake (2005)
Kimyô na sâkasu (2005)
[REL] Kimyô na sâkasu AKA Strange Circus (2005)
Ingrid Uribe (b. 1985)
Third Watch (2001)
Frankie & Hazel (2000)
[REL] Frankie & Hazel (2000)
In the Soup (1992)